Today’s bookmarks

Finally, a recording still for the ages: In 1996, just months before he died, Carl Sagan recorded this message to future colonists living on Mars.

Today’s bookmarks

A slideshow by renowned animal photographer Tim Flach with annotations about their body language

In science/tech:

In society:


Website: Letters of Note

This site has been one of my favourites lately and a recent post highlighting Gene Wilder’s correspondence before commencing production on Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory is wonderfully insightful.

Prior to accepting the role, Wilder set out one condition to director Mel Stuart:

“When I make my first entrance, I’d like to come out of the door carrying a cane and then walk toward the crowd with a limp. After the crowd sees Willy Wonka is a cripple, they all whisper to themselves and then become deathly quiet. As I walk toward them, my cane sinks into one of the cobblestones I’m walking on and stands straight up, by itself; but I keep on walking, until I realize that I no longer have my cane. I start to fall forward, and just before I hit the ground, I do a beautiful forward somersault and bounce back up, to great applause.”

Asked why, Wilder explained: “Because from that time on, no one will know if I’m lying or telling the truth.”

It really is a great example of an actor whose thinking process works on multiple levels in creating and developing both a character and performance for an audience.

There’s also a second letter on his thoughts towards the costuming of Willy Wonka that’s equally fascinating, but I don’t want to post verbatim from such a great site, so check it out here.

Hangovers and the internet

Got properly drunk last night at the ‘A Night At The Pictures’ event, both cause there was a lot of free booze (yay sponsors Stella) and cause the auction event was a raging sucess… almost $3000 was raised from the auctions and $2000 from ticket and drink sales! Looks like Pictures of You is shaping up to have a nice budget indeed.

But yeah, drank a lot and came back to Auckland in the same night. Slept for a bit and suffered a massive hangover for the rest of the day. Actually, I’m still feeling a little under the weather, and spent most of my time finding interesting, wierd stuff on the internet.

Like, crying while eating.

And, Native American faces on Google Earth.

Re-uses of technology… totally cool.

And Ok Go on treadmills… awesomeness.